

The sitatunga, also known as a marshbuck, is a swamp-dwelling antelope found throughout Central Africa. These antelopes can be as large as a greater kudu, but have longer hair and very distinguishing white spots and stripes, particularly in between their eyes.

Redeemed Gospel Church Sitatunga Kitale. 571 likes · 1 talking about this. Religious Organization Feb 21, 2021 · Angelo Tavera shared a photo on Instagram: “Forest sitatunga in Cameroon Africa” • See 1,436 photos and videos on their profile. The sitatunga or marshbuck (Tragelaphus spekii) is a swamp-dwelling antelope found throughout central Africa, centering on the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Republic of the Congo, Cameroon, parts of Southern Sudan, Equatorial Guinea, Burundi, Ghana, Botswana, Rwanda, Zambia, Gabon, the Central African Republic, Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya. The sitatunga is a swamp-dwelling antelope native to Africa. Its splayed feet make it an accomplished swimmer.

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Sitatunga live in secluded, thickly vegetated, muddy swamps and marshes throughout central Africa. See them at the Zoo in the African Journey, across from the flamingos. “How I live there” Sitatunga tend to be solitary animals. Sitatunga usually avoid open water devoid of vegetation. They are selective mixed feeders taking a range of grasses, sedges and browse (May and Lindholm 2013). Sitatunga coexist with the Nile Lechwe in the Sudd of South Sudan, and with Southern Lechwe in Zambia, Botswana, and Angola.

Mar 12, 2019


Sitatunga. Taxonomy Tragelaphus spekii [P.L. Sclater, 1863]. Citation: In Speke, Journal of the Discovery of the Source of the Nile, p.


The Sitatunga or marshbuck is a swamp-dwelling antelope found throughout central Africa, centering on the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cameroon, 

Recently Sitatunga and hunting them has become more accessible with the opening up of various previously un hunted regions in Zambia's great northern sector around the massive Bangweulu Wetlands. Zambia's Bangweulu swamp, a vast wetland spreading to over 70,000 square miles in the wet season, is the Sitatunga capital of Africa. беларуская: Сітатунга български: Ситатунга brezhoneg: Sitatunga čeština: Sitatunga Deutsch: Sitatunga English: Sitatunga Synonyms for sitatunga in Free Thesaurus.


Conservation Threats. Habitat loss. Fun Facts. They are the only species of aquatic antelope, utilizing the water to hide from land-dwelling predators 2 days ago · The sitatunga (Tragelaphus spekii) is a species of antelope native to Central Africa.

There are white facial markings, as well as several stripes and spots all over. White patches can be seen on the throat, near the head and the chest. Sitatunga occur in tall and dense vegetation of perennial and seasonal swamps, marshy clearings within forests, riverine thickets, and mangrove swamps. In savanna environments, they are typically found in extensive monospecific stands of papyrus Cyperus papyrus and the reeds Phragmites spp. and Echinochloa pyramidalis (May and Lindholm 2013). Jan 12, 2021 · The Sesse sitatunga was a very nice animal and thought to be 17 years old.

The sitatunga is a rare swamp-dwelling antelope. It is distinguished by its long, splayed hooves. These hooves make them clumsy and vulnerable on firm terrain but well-adapted for walking through muddy, vegetated swamplands. Their shaggy, oily coat is another adaptation to an aquatic habitat. Sitatunga, (Tragelaphus spekei), the most aquatic antelope, with elongated, splayed hooves and flexible foot joints that enable it to traverse boggy ground. Though common, even abundant, in African swamps and permanent marshes, the sitatunga is also one of the most secretive and least known of Africa’s large fauna.

The bushy tail is brown above and white below, and have longer hooves than any other antelope (to 1 cm/7.0″). This unusual animal has a slim face, slender neck and legs, and hindquarters that are higher than the forequarters, giving the sitatunga its peculiar hunched appearance. The shaggy, water-resistant coat varies in colour among populations, but is generally greyish-brown in males and rufous-brown in females and juveniles. Sitatunga bulls have hooves that are widely splayed and elongated. This helps to prevent sinking when walking through muddy swamps and water.

In addition, their thick coat makes it difficult to see the udders. Training allows the keepers to feel the udders of the sitatunga and predict upcoming births. Recently Sitatunga and hunting them has become more accessible with the opening up of various previously un hunted regions in Zambia's great northern sector around the massive Bangweulu Wetlands. Zambia's Bangweulu swamp, a vast wetland spreading to over 70,000 square miles in the wet season, is the Sitatunga capital of Africa. The sitatunga (Tragelaphus spekii) is a swamp-dwelling antelope found throughout Central Africa, centering on the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cameroon and parts of Southern Sudan as well as in Ghana, Botswana, Zambia, Gabon, Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya. 1 Geographic Range 2 Habitat and Ecology 3 Description 4 Behavior 5 Threats 6 Conservation Actions 7 Gallery The Sitatunga probably 2 days ago The Sitatunga is a very rare species to hunt in Texas and must be booked in advance to ensure availability and ranch/preserve access. Our Average Sitatunga will score top 5 in the United States with low to mid-20-inch horns.

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Sitatunga · Scientific Name: Tragelaphus spekei · Subspecies: Tragelaphus s gratus, Tragelaphus s. · Distribution: Tragelaphus spekei: Kenya, Tanzania and 

The bushy tail is brown above and white below, and have longer hooves than any other antelope (to 1 cm/7.0″). This unusual animal has a slim face, slender neck and legs, and hindquarters that are higher than the forequarters, giving the sitatunga its peculiar hunched appearance. The shaggy, water-resistant coat varies in colour among populations, but is generally greyish-brown in males and rufous-brown in females and juveniles. Sitatunga bulls have hooves that are widely splayed and elongated. This helps to prevent sinking when walking through muddy swamps and water.